
What Topturn Is All About

Do Any Of These Sound Familiar?

You Took Enormous Risk To Start Your Business

And Worked Harder Than Most To Get Here

You Want Help Making Key Financial Decisions

But You’re Cautious About “Advisors” Who Talk A Big Game

You Want One Who Can Back It Up

If Any Of That Sounds Familiar…You’re In The Right Place.

Whether You’re Just Starting Out Or Looking To The Next Chapter…

Our mission is to manage and protect the wealth of business owners and their families.

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A Financial Management Team Driven By The Entrepreneurial Spirit

After working years for a large investment firm, Greg Stewart and Dan Darchuck realized the industry was not suited for the needs of business owners. They chose to chart their own course and started Topturn to serve business owners and their families.

To reduce risk, you need a level head. Someone who can see through media hype and fluctuations of markets, look at the data, and remind you of your most important goals.

Say “Hi” To Greg Stewart

Often referred to as “the wizard behind the curtain,” Greg has managed money for over 20 years, including having run his own tactical mutual fund that consistently finished in the top decile of its Morningstar category. He excels at process, data, and analysis. Topturn clients say working with Greg Stewart has to be “experienced” to be fully appreciated.

To reduce risk, you need a level head. Someone who can see through media hype and fluctuations of markets, look at the data, and remind you of your most important goals.

Say “Hi” To Greg Stewart

Often referred to as “the wizard behind the curtain,” Greg has managed money for over 20 years, including having run his own tactical mutual fund that consistently finished in the top decile of its Morningstar category. He excels at process, data, and analysis. Topturn clients say working with Greg Stewart has to be “experienced” to be fully appreciated.

But data isn’t always enough. It takes a deep relationship to match the goals and circumstances of the individual and their family.

Meet Dan Darchuck

Dan helps Topturn clients think bigger, bringing resources and ideas together in new and creative ways. Asking great questions, he draws out what’s most important to them. Dan excels at relationships and has been described as a solid rock through the storm for owners and their families. He can take a complex concept and make it easy to understand, with a master plan perfectly matched to the needs of the business and family.

But data isn’t always enough. It takes a deep relationship to match the goals and circumstances of the individual and their family.

Meet Dan Darchuck

Dan helps Topturn clients think bigger, bringing resources and ideas together in new and creative ways. Asking great questions, he draws out what’s most important to them. Dan excels at relationships and has been described as a solid rock through the storm for owners and their families. He can take a complex concept and make it easy to understand, with a master plan perfectly matched to the needs of the business and family.

Personal And Attentive, Never Pushy, Always Present, Always Listening

It is upon this unique combination of analysis, experience, and hard work that Topturn was founded. The legacy Greg and Dan started flows through their team and everything they do for their clients.

What Topturn Clients Say:

“People Say They Want ‘Peace Of Mind’. In My Opinion, That’s A Lazy Way To Describe What Topturn Does. They Are Masterful At Their Craft. They Take All The Variables And Inputs And Combine The Data With An Organic Approach To Investing And Marry It Perfectly To Fit The Needs Of Their Clients. They Have No Peers. They Are In A Class Of Their Own.”

– Don, Retired Business Owner And Topturn Client

You Worked Hard To Get Where You Are, And Deserve To Feel Confident Your Next Step Is The Right One

It Starts With A Casual Conversation. Click The Button Below To View Our Calendar And Find A Time To Chat.


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